Elizabeth J. Kennedy is a Professor of Law & Social Responsibility in the Sellinger School of Business. She received her J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, and her B.A. in Urban Studies from Smith College. Before joining Ƶ University Maryland, Professor Kennedy practiced law with the New York firm Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP, specializing in corporate finance, and served as labor and employment counsel to the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy on the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee. She also worked as a union organizer for AFSCME Local 3299 and UNITE! Professor Kennedy's research focuses on legal strategies for advancing equity and collective labor power within an increasingly global and decentralized American workplace. Her teaching interests include workers' rights, data ethics, sustainability, and climate justice.
Academic Degrees
JD, University of California, Berkeley
BA, Smith College
Representative Publications
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2024). Sustainable Labor Rights. BERKELEY JOURNAL OF EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR LAW. vol. 45:1, 55 pages.
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2024). Racism and Capitalism, in SUSTAINABLE CAPITALISM: ESSENTIAL WORK FOR THE ANTHROPOCENE (Inara Scott, ed.).
The University of Utah Press, 109-127.
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2022). Equitable, Sustainable, and Just: A Transition Framework. ARIZONA LAW REVIEW, vol. 64:4, 1045-1096.
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2021). Deputizing the Frontline: Enforcing Workplace Rights in a Post-Pandemic Economy. HOFSTRA LABOR & EMPLOYMENT JOURNAL, vol. 38, 203-252.
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2020). Deluge in the Desert: Advancing Racial Equity. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW.
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2017). Employed by an Algorithm. SEATTLE LAW REVIEW
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2016). Wage Theft as Public Larceny. BROOKLYN LAW REVIEW
Elizabeth J. Kennedy and Andrea Giampetro-Meyer (2015). Gearing Up for the Next Industrial
Revolution: 3D Printing, Home-Based Factories and Modes of Social Control. LOYOLA
Elizabeth J. Kennedy and Michael B. Runnels (2013). Bringing New Governance Home:
The Need for Regulation in the Domestic Workplace. UMKC LAW REVIEW.
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2012). When the Shop Floor is in the Living Room: Toward a
Domestic Employment Relationship Theory. NYU ANNUAL SURVEY OF AMERICAN LAW
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2010). The Invisible Corner: Expanding Workplace Rights for
Michael B. Runnels, Elizabeth J. Kennedy, and Rev. Timothy B. Brown, S.J. (2010).
Corporate Social Responsibility and the New Governance: In Search of Epstein’s “Good
Company” in the Employment Context. AKRON LAW REVIEW
Elizabeth J. Kennedy (2005). Freedom from Independence: Collective Bargaining Rights
Awards and Honors
ELMBA Most Valued Professor
Harry W. Rodgers III Distinguished Teacher of the Year
Legal Aid Society Pro Bono Publico Award
NYC Bankruptcy Assistance Project Champion Award
Thelen Marrin Prize for Law Journal Writing
Prosser Awards for Corporations Law and Employment Law
Phi Beta Kappa
Professional Experience/Certification
Admitted to practice in New York and Maryland.
Associate, Corporate Finance, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP (2005 -
Labor Policy Advisor, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Senate Health, Education, Labor and
Pensions Committee (2005).
Labor Organizer, American Fed. of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) (2000
- 2002).
Labor Organizer, Union of Needletrades, Industrial & Textile Employees (UNITE) (1999
- 2000).
Professional Memberships
New York County Lawyers Association
Bar Association of the City of New York