Academic Degrees
Ph. D., University of Maryland, College Park
MA, University of California – Irvine
MBA, University of California – Irvine
MS, Brown University
BS, Brown University
Research Areas
Dr. Yim studies how information technology shapes online communication and behavior. He investigates the role of social networking platforms and online communities on social value creation in healthcare, media management, environmental sustainability, and charitable giving.
Representative Publications
Yim, D., Khuntia, J., Parameswaran, V., & Meyers, A. (2024). Preliminary Evidence
of the Use of
Generative AI in Health Care Clinical Services: Systematic Narrative Review. ,
12(1), e52073.
Yim, D., Khuntia, J., King, E., Treskon, M., & Galiatsatos, P. (2023). Expert Credibility
and Sentiment in
Infodemiology of Hydroxychloroquine’s Efficacy on Cable News Programs: Empirical Analysis.
, 3, e45392.
Ning X, Lu Y, Yim D, Khuntia J. (2023) “Factors Affecting the Usage Intention of Environmental
Sustainability Management Tools: Empirical Analysis of Adoption of Greenhouse Gas
Protocol Tools by
Firms in Two Countries”, , 15(3):2703.
Al-Hasan, A., Khuntia, J., & Yim, D. (2021). “Does Seeing What Others Do Through Social
Influence Vaccine Uptake and Help in the Herd Immunity Through VacciƵ? A Cross-Sectional
Բ”, , 02 November 2021.
Ning, X., Khuntia, Yim, D. (2021) “Adoption of Smart Sustainability Performance Measurement
(SPMS) in Hotels and Variations Across Ratings, Reviews, and Operational Efficiency
, 1(2), 13–18.
Yim, D., Malefyt, T., and Khuntia, J. (2021) “Is a Picture Worth Thousand Views? An
Investigation of User Engagement with Visual Travel Reviews”, ,
Ning, X.; Yim, D.; Khuntia, J. (2021) “Online Sustainability Reporting and Firm Performance:
Learned from Text Mining”. , 13(3), 1069.
Al-Hasan, A., Khuntia, J., Yim, D. (2021). “Cross-Culture Online Knowledge Validation
and the Exclusive
Practice of Stem Cell Therapy”, , 29(2), 194-221.
Al-Hasan, A, Khalil, O., and Yim, D. (2021). “Digital Information Diversity and Political
Engagement: The
Impact of Website Characteristics on Browsing Behavior and Voting Participation”.
26(1), 21-37.
Al-Hasan, A., Khuntia, J., Yim, D. (2020) “Threat, coping and social distance adherence
for COVID-19:
Cross-continental comparison using online cross-sectional survey data”,
, 22(11):e23019.
Al-Hasan, A., Khuntia, J., Yim, D. (2020) “Citizens’ adherence to COVID-19 mitigation
by the government: A three-country comparative evaluation using online cross-sectional
survey data”,
, 22(8):e20634.
Yim, D., Gao, Q., Khuntia, J. (2020) “Semantic and Sentiment Dissonant Framing Effects
on Online News
Բ”, , 46(1), 27.
Lim, S., Yim, D., Khuntia, J., Tanniru, M. (2020) “A Continuous-Time Markov Chain
Model based
Business Analytics Approach for Estimating Patient Transition States in Online Health
, 51(1), 181-208.
Choi, A., Cho, D., Yim, D., Moon, J. Y., and Oh, W. S. (2019) “See for Yourself or Listen to Others: Complementary and Substitutive Effects of Previews and Reviews on E-Book Purchase and Consumption”, Information Systems Research, 30(4), 1107-1452.
Al-Hasan, A., Yim, D., and Lucas, H. C. (2019). “A Tale of Two Movements: Egypt During the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(1), 84-97.
Taylor, J., Vithayathil, J., and Yim, D. (2018). “Are corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives such as sustainable development and environmental policies value enhancing or window dressing?”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 25(5), 971-980.
Permwonguswa, S., Khuntia, J., Yim, D., Gregg, D., and Kathuria, A. (2018). “Knowledge sharing in a health infomediary: role of self-concept, emotional empowerment, and self-esteem”, Health Systems, 7(3), 181-194.
Khuntia, J., Yim, D., Tanniru, M. and Lim, S. (2017). “Patient Empowerment and Engagement with a Health Infomediary”, Health Policy and Technology, 6(1), 40-50.
Mierzejewska, B., Yim, D., Napoli, P., Lucas, H., and Al-Hasan, A. (2016) “Evaluating Strategic Approaches to Competitive Displacement: The Case of the U.S. Newspaper Industry”, Journal of Media Economics, 30(1), 19-30.
Khuntia, J., Sun, H., and Yim, D. (2016). “Sharing News through Social Networks”. InterƵal Journal on Media Management, 18(1), 59-74.
Yim, D., Khuntia, J. and Lee-Argyris, Young (2015). “Identifying Bands in the Knowledge Exchange Spectrum in an Online Healthcare Infomediary”, InterƵal Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 10(3), 63-84.
Professional Memberships
Honors and Awards
AWS Educate Faculty Ambassador
AWS Academy Member
AWS Cloud Practitioner