Compensation Guidelines
Ƶ's policy manual outlines the following compensation guidelines.
3.1 Compensation Philosophy
Components of Compensation
- Ƶ maintains a supporting, caring, and enriching environment where employees are attracted to the institution and retained because of fulfilling work, the University’s values, mission, people, and culture
- Base salary represents the value of the position in the market, the value to the University, and the capabilities and contributions of the individual
- The compensation programs are subject to the University’s financial resources
Internal/External Value
- Ƶ’s compensation will balance external competitiveness with internal institutional needs, including relative internal value among similar positions within the University
- The salary structure and base salary ranges will be developed using external, competitive market data as a reference. Jobs will be assigned to salary ranges based on market information, taking into account the role of the job within the University and functional area
Comparison Markets
- Ƶ compares administrator and staff salaries to the appropriate, relevant market (Ƶal, regional, local) and industry (higher education, general industry), depending upon the functional nature of the job and level of responsibilities
- These markets will be refined as needed given any internal or external changes
Pay Positioning
- Ƶ desires to maintain competitive compensation levels to ensure it has the talent needed to achieve its strategic mission
- Ƶ aims to target compensation levels, in aggregate, at the market median. At times, certain jobs and/or individuals may be positioned above or below this range for base salaries based on the value of the job to the University and the unique qualifications, time in position, and individual performance
Pay for Performance
- Ƶ supports a culture of performance and seeks to reward individuals accordingly
- The University utilizes an annual appraisal process to evaluate employee performance. Ongoing conversations between supervisors and direct reports help to support a feedback culture and are encouraged to discuss development opportunities or performance issues
- When determining performance-based financial rewards, the University considers the impact to the institution and its employees
- The University will be transparent about key tenets of the compensation program, engaging, and encouraging dialogue through the Ƶ Conference and appropriate governing bodies to ensure understanding of the program
- The rationale for all program changes will be clearly stated to all involved participants
- Compensation information is shared through the Ƶ Conference where employees have the opportunity to voice concerns
3.2 Compensation Mission Statement
The human resources department will strive to communicate openly about the design of the compensation program. The compensation process is intended to be fair, equitable, and transparent.
3.3 Roles and Responsibilities
3.4 Employment Categories
3.5 FLSA Employment Classification
3.6 Pay Structures
- DetermiƵ of the value of the job (range)
- DetermiƵ of salaries of individuals in that job
- A minimum, the lowest salary for jobs in the grade. Generally an employee will not be paid below the minimum of the grade, unless approved by the human resources office and the senior leader of the respective area
- The midpoint, the “middle” of the grade. The midpoint is the salary which is considered to be a fair and equitable rate of compensation for an employee who is fully proficient and well-seasoned in the role and performing at or above expectations.
- A maximum, the highest salary for jobs in the grade. Generally an employee will not be paid above the maximum of the salary range associated with that employee’s job, unless approved by human resources office and the senior leader of the respective area
- Minimum – Midpoint of Grade: Employees who have demonstrated some to most of the skills, knowledge, and expertise to handle their job proficiently, but may need to build upon them through experience to handle them more independently and effectively (1st and 2nd Quartile).
- Midpoint – Maximum of Grade: This is appropriate for an employee who is fully proficient and well-seasoned in the role and performing at/above job expectations. The employee is experienced in the job and possesses not only the required knowledge and skills, but also depth and breadth necessary to tackle the more complex aspects of their role. Often, the employee serves as a resource and/or role model/mentor to others in similar jobs (3rd and 4th Quartile).
- Equity Adjustment: an adjustment that is made to ensure that an incumbent’s salary appropriately reflects his/her skills, knowledge, experience, and performance.
- Market Adjustment: an adjustment that is made to recognize changes in the competitive market salary for a job. Occasionally, unusual market circumstances may warrant an adjustment.
3.7 Position Management
Position management is the process by which department managers, in consultation with the human resources office, determine how jobs are defined, how many positions are needed, and what the organizational structure should look like.
3.7.1 Job Descriptions: Job descriptions are a fundamental component for employee recruiting, staff planning, and job benchmarking and classification. Maintaining and updating current and accurate job descriptions is a shared responsibility between employees, managers/department chairs, with consultation from the human resources department. Job descriptions are a snapshot of key aspects of each unique position and although informative, they are not an exhaustive list of responsibilities. Well-written descriptions outline the essential functions of the role, education, experience, and skill requirements, and level of manager/decision-making responsibilities.
3.7.2 Job Titles: Job titles should be consistent within a department and across all departments of the University. Reviewing a job’s primary duties, its function and responsibilities are essential to developing an accurate and appropriate title. Accuracy of job titles are critical for the following reasons:
- Ensure consistency of managerial, Ƶ, administrative and technical job titles at Ƶ.
- Facilitate consistency in institutional reporting to federal and Ƶ agencies
- Facilitate matching of Ƶ positions to the external market for job and salary benchmarking
Prior to creating or changing a job title, if must first be approved by the director of compensation.
3.7.3 Position Reclassification: Significant changes to the job’s responsibilities, generally 25% or more, may require a reclassification of the position to another grade within the salary structure. Examples of situations that may warrant a job reclassification include:
- Department reorganization and job restructuring
- Addition of full-time staff reporting to the job
- Addition of new area(s) of responsibility
- Major change in level of authority and accountability
Small changes to a job would not warrant reclassification (e.g., different software to handle same job responsibilities, procedural changes to existing work, obtaining a higher education degree or certification, etc.) unless this results in significant changes in the job responsibilities, level of authority, and/or scope of responsibility.
3.7.4 Appeals to Job Description: If an employee and his/her manager/department chair disagree on the grade assigned to the employee's position, the issue should be discussed. Managers/department chairs may not change the grade of a position or announce an adjustment in wages without requesting a job analysis and funding review from the human resources partner. If an agreement cannot be reached, either party may contact the director of compensation who will re-evaluate the job content and make a determiƵ. If there is disagreement between the director of compensation and the manager/department chair, either party may contact the assistant vice president for human resources who will re-evaluate the job. If there is further disagreement, both parties will submit written rationales to the vice president for finance and administration for final resolution.
3.8 Annual Performance Review
The University's Annual Performance Management Program provides specific tools and guidance to managers/department chairs for planning, assessing performance, and making pay increase recommendations. The University's Performance Management Program is designed to help managers/department chairs communicate expectations, set goals, recognize accomplishments, and evaluate performance for employees. The performance management process also identifies the employee's developmental needs for the job, and develops a performance improvement plan. Performance reviews are conducted annually. All University employees should be made aware of the expectations for their job performance as well as how they will be evaluated for the coming year.
3.8.1 Performance-based Merit Increases: The University's goal is to reward employees for their contributions to the University. One way managers/department chairs can do this is through performance-based pay increases. Each fiscal year, a budget is developed which establishes the total amount of money available for merit increases. The budget salary increase amount is expressed as a percentage of the total payroll; however, that increase percentage is not applied across the board to all employees. A merit increase matrix is collaboratively developed annually by the human resources office. The matrix uses the individual employee's performance contribution and position in the pay range to determine the appropriate pay increase for that fiscal year.
Each year, in preparation for merit increases, the human resources department will identify and communicate a “black-out” period, where no changes in position, salary, rank, etc., will take place to ensure the accuracy of budget reconciliation.
Department heads are responsible for developing recommendations for performance-based merit increases for employees that are within the parameters of their defined budget. Consistently high performers should be rewarded more generously than average performers. Poor performers should receive no increase. Performance Improvement Plans will be developed for employees who score below average on their evaluations. The human resources office is available to assist with developing appropriate merit pay recommendations.
Learn more about the performance review process.
3.9 Pay Adjustments
It is the University’s practice to award salary increases through the regular budget/merit cycles. As with all practices, however, some flexibility is needed to respond to exceptional circumstances. The intent of equity adjustments is to provide consideration to critical and/or unusual pay administration problems. With all requests for salary increases, a compelling argument must be made as to why to increase an employee's base salary. All adjustments must be approved by cabinet.
3.9.1 Structural Adjustments: On an annual basis, the human resources office may make a percentage adjustment to the structure, subject to external market conditions and financial constraints of the institution. Every few years, Ƶ University of Maryland will conduct a comprehensive market assessment to ensure the appropriateness and ongoing applicability of the structure.
3.9.2 Promotion: A promotion is the advancement of an employee’s rank and/or position with significantly greater responsibilities. A promotion usually includes an increase in pay that is equitable and competitive. The human resources office set the pay level within the pay range assigned to that position. The selected pay is based on the employee's skills, knowledge and competencies. Since circumstances vary and each advancing employee has a different pay history, it is important to consider the employee's current level of performance compared to expectations, the employee's pay compared to peers in the new category with similar skills, knowledge and competencies, the criticality (and possible scarcity) of the employee's skills to the University, and the depth and breadth of the employee's skills when making pay decisions related to advancement. If the recommended pay increase is significant, it may be appropriate to phase the increase in over a period of time. The director of compensation is available to consult with managers/department chairs and to provide guidance about pay decisions related to advancement. Depending on market conditions, relevant experience, and education, a promotion can be anywhere from a 3% to 15% increase in pay.
3.9.3 Voluntary Change to a Lower Pay Grade: If an employee applies and is selected for a position in a lower pay grade, his/her pay in the lower graded position will be reviewed based on placement in the new pay range. If the employee's pay exceeds the range maximum, a reduction in the employee's pay rate may occur.
3.9.4 Change to a Lower Pay Grade as a Result of Reorganization/Restructure: If an employee is reclassified or moved to a lower grade as a result of departmental reorganization, the employee's pay will be reviewed in relation to the established pay range for the new grade. If an employee's salary falls within the pay range of the new position, a reduction will not be made. If the employee's pay exceeds the range maximum, a decrease in the employee's pay rate may occur.
3.10 Additional or Supplemental Pay
3.10.1 Overtime Pay: Overtime work is to be avoided if possible and must be justified by extenuating circumstances. Advance approval is required for overtime work and must be pre-authorized by the manager/department chair. Overtime work should not be performed before or after the normal workday, or during the lunch hour, except when authorized by the manager/department chair in advance.
Federal and state overtime laws generally require an employer to pay each non-exempt employee an overtime premium rate of one and a half times an employee's regular pay rate for all hours worked over 40 hours per pay week. Holidays, unscheduled closings, vacation, personal, and sick leaves do not count as time worked. The University's policy is based on Federal and state overtime laws, therefore, employees earn overtime pay at a time and-a-half rate after working more than 40 hours in a pay week. Hours worked between 37.5 and 40 hours will be paid at the regular rate of pay. Overtime pay applies only to time worked. If there is a holiday or an employee uses paid leave in a pay week, overtime pay will only apply to actual time worked on the job beyond 40 hours. Individuals working up to 6 hours overtime beyond their normal workday will have the option to take a 30 minute unpaid meal break after the first 2 hours of overtime worked. Overtime hours worked by support staff employees are reported on appropriate time sheets issued from the payroll office. The signed sheets are then processed with the regular bi-weekly time sheets. The signed sheets will gradually be replaced by the installation of an electronic time keeping reporting system. Employees who work overtime without prior manager authorization will be paid in accordance with FLSA, but are subject to disciplinary action.
3.10.2 Exemption from Overtime for Administrative Employees: Administrators, by virtue of their administrative, managerial or Ƶ responsibilities, generally are exempt from overtime provisions of federal and state wage and hour laws. Depending upon the requirements of the respective administrative offices, additional work time may be required beyond the normal schedule. It is expected that exempt employees will work when needed. In cases where excessive work time is required of an administrator beyond the normal schedule, the manager/department chair may, with approval from the division vice president, make adjustments to the regular work schedule at a later date as the flow of the work load permits.
3.10.3 Emergency Overtime Pay: Emergency overtime may be required to perform unforeseen services or repairs required for the University to carry out an academic program or activity. If an employee is called in to perform emergency service or repair, during non-scheduled work hours, transportation time may be included in the calculation of overtime pay or a four hour minimum may be paid, at the manager/department chair's discretion. If a resident staff employee is called to perform emergency service, payment will be for the actual hours worked. (See Section 4.5.3 for information on inclement weather and emergency overtime pay.)
3.10.4 Compensatory Time Pay: It is not the policy of the University to grant "comp" time or leave time granted in lieu of overtime pay. If a nonexempt staff employee works more than 40 hours in a given week, the employee is entitled to overtime pay.
3.10.5 Flex-time: Flex-time allows a department to temporarily alter work schedules to accommodate a special need (e.g., an expanded lunch hour to attend a class). This arrangement works only in offices with more than one employee, since at least one person must be available to keep the office open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Flex-time may only be scheduled with supervisor approval and must be resolved in the same work week. The employee must work their full total number of hours for the week in which flex time is arranged, otherwise leave will be charged or time will be lost.
Flexible schedules are permitted in offices with two or more staff employees where the accommodation serves the best interest of the department. Requests for approval of flexible hours must be submitted to the division vice president with a recommended schedule. Accurate schedules should be reflected on timesheets and leave reports. The flexible schedule may be changed back to the original schedule as operations require with a one week notice, or sooner if mutually agreeable.
3.10.6 Shift Differential: Shift differentials are premium rates of pay that are paid only to those staff members who regularly are scheduled to work from midnight to 8:00a.m or between 4:00p.m to midnight. Schedules may vary slightly from the start and finish times, as required by the manager/department chair. Shift differentials are only paid for hours worked and are not paid for vacation, sick or personal leave. In order to qualify for shift differentials, 85 percent of scheduled work hours must fall within the defined shifts. Shift differential rates are recommended by the human resources office based on the Baltimore market and changes are subject to approval by the president.
3.10.7 Interim Pay: Occasionally, an employee is asked to take on significant additional responsibilities on a temporary basis (typically 6 months or less), in addition to the employee’s current role. Examples include: responsibilities due to an unexpected employee leave of absence or resigƵ, serving as chair of a committee or program, etc. In these cases, the manager will work with the Human Resources Office and the Vice President to ensure that employees are properly compensated for their work, given these additional items. Generally, a 5% to 10% increase in base salary is awarded via stipend for the duration of the assignment. It is the responsibility of the manager to communicate interim pay increase amount and assignment dates to the Human Resources Office. During the interim assignment, the employee’s base pay remains the same.
In lieu of interim assignment pay, if the assignment is short-term or under 6 (six) weeks in duration, a discretionary bonus may be awarded at the end of the assignment and should not exceed 5%, pro-rated, of employee’s current base salary.
3.10.8 Acting Assignment Pay: An “Acting” position is awarded to any current, regular classified employee who assumes the full set of responsibilities, duties and authorities from an equal or higher-level position in place of their current position. An acting assignment applies to a vacant position, or an encumbered position whose incumbent is on an extended leave. The acting assignment must be for a minimum period of six (6) months or until further notice. Generally, the “Acting” incumbent will receive equitable pay based on current market data, experience and input from the Vice President and the Human Resources Department.
3.10.8 Discretionary Bonus Pay: From time to time, an employee who is performing above and beyond his/her job expectations may receive a discretionary, one-time bonus. Full-time, regular employees are eligible to receive a discretionary bonus and must have a performance rating of at least a 4. The manager must submit a rationale for why the employee should receive the bonus and the suggested amount. Given the availability of funds, the Vice President and the Human Resources Office will review the information presented and make a determiƵ on whether the bonus is warranted, and if so, the amount. Past bonus payments do not guarantee a future bonus payment.
Any pay in addition to base salary will be paid via stipend.
3.11 Payroll Administration
3.11.1 Pay Schedules: Payroll schedules for the current fiscal year are available on the Payroll website.
Ƶ currently has 3 (three) payroll schedules:
- Semi-Monthly Payroll (Administrators): Administrators are paid on a salary basis. The distribution of an administrator’s annual salary occurs on a semi-monthly pay frequency. Administrators will be paid twice each month, typically on the 15th and the 30th. If the actual payday is on a weekend or is a holiday, then the payday will be the preceding workday.
- Staff Payroll: Staff employees are paid on Friday based on a bi-weekly pay cycle for the prior two-weeks of work. The workweek runs from Saturday through Friday. If Friday is a holiday the payday will be the preceding workday.
- Student Payroll: Student employees are paid on Friday based on a bi-weekly pay cycle for the prior two-weeks of work. The workweek runs from Saturday through Friday. If Friday is a holiday the payday will be the preceding workday.
Refer to the Staff, Administrator, and Student payroll schedules for a full list of pay dates.
3.11.2 Mandatory Deductions: Mandatory deductions from pay include the employee paid portion of FICA-FICM (social security) tax, federal, state and local withholdings for income tax, court-ordered payments for child support and wage garnishments. Employees are required to complete the withholding tax forms (W-4 and MW 507) and keep them current and on file with the human resources office. Any payroll deductions other than these listed are optional, authorized in writing at the employees discretion, and may be arranged through the payroll office.
3.11.3 Direct Deposit of Paychecks: The University strongly encourages all employees to elect to have payroll checks deposited directly into either a checking or savings account. If your payroll check is deposited directly, you will receive a pay advice statement at your departmental address indicating the amount of the deposit as well as detail of your earnings and deductions for the current pay period. In order to enroll for direct deposit, employees must bring a voided check or savings deposit slip to the payroll office or the human resources office. Subsequent changes in account information must be made with the payroll office. Once the direct deposit request is received, the direct deposit process will begin within 30 days.
3.12 Reporting Time
Employees are required to report time. Non-exempt (staff) employees must report hourly detail of their work hours. Exempt employees (administrators) are required to report their leave time.
3.12.1 Staff Employees: Managers/department chairs or their designee are required to verify the hours worked each week by their staff by signing a time sheet supplied for that purpose at the end of each pay period. The manager's/department chair's or designee's signature on the time sheet certifies its accuracy. Care should be taken in preparing time sheets as they are essential for payroll and benefit calculations. Staff employees may not sign their manager/department chair's name or authorize their own time. Time sheets must be submitted to the payroll office in accordance with the published payroll schedule. Neglecting to do so may result in the employee not being paid on time the following Friday. This process will be replaced by electronic signatures when the electronic time keeping system is operational.
3.12.2 Administrative Employees: Administrators are required to complete and submit an administrative leave report for each month whether or not any leave was used. The manager/department chair's or designee's signature on the leave report certifies its accuracy. Care should be taken in preparing leave reports as they are essential for payroll and benefit calculations. Administrative employees may not sign their manager/department chairs name or authorize their own time. Leave reports must be submitted to the Human Resources Office by the end of the first week of the following month. This process may be replaced by electronic signatures when the electronic time keeping system is operational.